Inclusive Communities are Enriched Communities
Inclusive communities are enriched communities.
Every person has a contribution to make to their community.
Every person is a contribution to their community.
Building a truly inclusive community is motivated by a valuing of all people. It is recognising that people are missing, and wanting them to be part of your life. It is recognising that without those people, the community is lacking. This contrasts being driven by pity or duty. Disability inclusive communities comprise of genuine friendships between people with and without disabilities. Recognising the value and gift of each person, people enjoy mutual relationships; mutual giving and receiving.
In a disability inclusive community, people with all types of disabilities can participate in all aspects of community life. Building such a community requires effort and intention. It is not the same as a community where all people are welcome.
People with disabilities face barriers to fully participating in everyday community life.
These barriers can be;
Physical - like steps or the absence of accessible toilets
Communicational - the absence of braille or sign language interpreters
or Attitudinal - negative assumptions about people with disabilities, who they are and what they can do, or about taking steps toward inclusion.
Building an inclusive community involves identifying and removing barriers that prevent people with disabilities fully participating in their community.
A first step could be talking to people with disabilities in your community and asking them if there are any aspects of the community’s life which they can’t fully participate in. Are there any barriers? And what needs to be done to remove those barriers?
This could be the first step to enjoying a further enriched community.