Inclusive communities are vibrant communities because everyone has a contribution to make.

People with disabilities often find themselves on the margins of communities. This leaves communities lacking the vibrancy that inclusion brings.

For over a decade Stevie has advocated for the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities. She has engaged audiences through her powerful performance poetry, speaking and writing. Stevie draws from her lived experience of disability, explores the value of inclusion and outlines practical steps that communities can take.

“Stevie presented at a Vetamorphus Retreat that was held in Melbourne I attended in 2022. She was engaging and spoke with passion and in a way the 16-17 year olds in attendance could clearly relate to. Her personal examples and simplicity of explanations made her easy to listen too. I would highly recommend Stevie as a knowledgeable and brilliant presenter!”

Andrew Dewhirst Chaplain Victory Lutheran College.